Monday, 29 April 2013

Google Offers 'First Steps Cheat Sheet' for SEO beginners

Have you just started your blog or website and want to make it SEO friendly? OR Do you want to learn some basics of search engine optimization? If yes, then Google is always there to help you. Google always wants to share the right way of optimizing websites and blogs.

Google came up with a new eBook named First steps cheet sheet. This is a one-page cheet sheet to make a search engine friendly design of your blog and websites, that will help search engines, specially Google to understand your content and increase your site's visibility.

Google one page seo guide
This eBook is specially designed for newbies who just want to start webmastering or have not yet paid any attention to search engine friendly design. And this is totally free. You can read it, print, share and distribute it anywhere. 

How to download this eBook?

Click on the link below to download the eBook for free. 

Donwload here: Google one-page SEO guide.

Donwload the eBook and learn the basics of search engine optimization.

If you have read this eBook and want to learn more, we would suggest you to read Google SEO Starter Guide.

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Google Offers 'First Steps Cheat Sheet' for SEO beginners
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Tulis comments
3 May 2013 at 02:44

Hi Friends, Pls Try konstantin after Its one the Best SEO Service Before I Used. Thank U

3 May 2013 at 06:33

THanks for the info will add this in new post.
