How to Hack Facebook Password Account
“How to Hack Facebook Password Account” this trending topics actually going through my contact mail and also the request tutorial form very intensively. Actually why this topics was very interesting?because Facebook was the number one social media today in the world.
There’s so many ways and possibilities to hack facebook password account, from the easy and simple one until the hard and very complicated. The basic hack facebook password account method actually almost the same, but with different type, kind, and ways. Here’s some ways how to hack facebook password account :
1. Facebook Phishing
2. Remote Update Facebook Status (Social Engineering)
3. Man in the Middle Attack
4. Keylogging
This method has a great success rate possibility, because there’s so many people not understand too much abouthow to surf the internet safely.
This is the most used and commonly attack to hack facebook password account. Usually attacker will create a fake log in page that looks like the real Facebook log in page. This type of attack will replicate the originalfacebook page and modified to fit the attacker needs for their attack. For this type of attack, you need to know basic web programming such as PHP, ASP, etc.
- Actually I have already create the tutorial about Hacking facebook using man in the middle attack about one year ago(for educational purpose) about how to hack facebook password account in a local area network. You can just download the file needed to create a fake facebook page and if you understand how to upload and host the file in a web hosting, you also can host the file so it can be accessed worldwide.
FYI : you can use or for the free one. (usually it won’t longer lasting, when someone report, you’ll get banned)
UPDATE : You also can view my tutorial about Hacking Facebook using Phishing Method, Fake Facebook Website.
Remote Update Facebook Status
This is the next one most famous tricks to hack facebook password account. To understand the logic, let see the topology below
Users was accessing facebook page and they are still active and interacting using facebook, on the same time, they also open another website let say it is as attacker website. When users opened they just see an informative webpage with tons of hacking tutorial(and also included how to hack facebook password account too
). Users didn’t know that in attacker website already put a malicious script that will update users/victim facebook status silently. Let us see the script below :
That script can make users posted something in their facebook status and in that script above I can put some links to fake facebook page(phishing page) 
FYI : this method now already patched by facebook
I’ve try this method last year on 29 March 2011 and I think it’s very dangerous, because some of your friend will think that you posted some links on your own wall and they curious for it. More people open that link, more people will infected….
It’s in Indonesian language that mean “hiks…hiks…I just visited VERY GREAT I swear…come and see…”
ps : If there’s some latest news about vulnerability code in facebook, I will send it firstly to subscriber of my blog.
To be continued. . .
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How to Hack Facebook Password Account
Junaid Khalid