Info : Windows XP Se7en Black Edition with 2500 Drivers
Name: XP Se7en Black Edition
- Service Pack: 3
- System: x86 (32bit)
- Product K.@.y: Not Needed
- WGA: Cracked
- Setup options: Boot Only
- Upgrade: NO (Fresh install only)
- This version of Windows XP is designed for your convenience.
- More then 10.000 driver included. (be patient while exctracting driver)
- 14 7zip file driver.
- - MainBoard
- - Sound
- - Graphics
- - WLAN
- 7Zip 4.57
- IDm 5.17 Build 2
- Winamp 5.41
- Black 7 Themes Pack
- KLMCodec 4.25
- FireFox 3.05
- Win RAR 3.80
- Gadget
- RocketDoc
- Win 7 Wallpaper
- Faster startup of Windows XP
- Increase speed by tweaking prefetcher settings
- Increase XP NTFS performance
- Launch apps with desired priority setting
- Memory Performance Tweak
- Proformance Increase through My Computer
- Reduce 10 second scandisk wait time
- Remove hibernation file
- Shutdown XP Faster
- Speed Boot – Shave 2 Seconds
- Speed up Menu Appearence Without Causing Problems with zero…
- Speed up menu display
- Speed up Network Browsing
- The System Configuration Utility
- Turn off System Restore to save space
- And MOre…………..
Screenshot :

Download Links :
Download Windows XP Se7en Black Edition with 2500 Drivers
Password : freesoftwarepc.biz
Windows XP Se7en Black Edition with 2500 Drivers
Junaid Khalid